The most critical races now take place outside the narrow streets. Each four-wheeled beauty can drive to the studio and transform beyond recognition The metropolitan area has become crowded. The choice represented by more than fifty of thefastest machines of modernity and the golden age of the automobileindustry. Carefullyselected each team member, because of the experience and professionalismteammates depend on your place in the next race What I want – atthe Kachu! Even the most sophisticated connoisseurs will find a car race car to your liking.
In order to survive with honor all the tests you need help. Millions of parts from top manufacturers, airbrush and colorful stickers will turn any rattletrap a master piece of design ideas One for the road – not a warrior. The car is not aluxury but a means of expression. Such anapproach Need for Speed ‹‹Carbon for upgrading cars. By participating and winning in races,you block by block subdues all local street reyserskuyu get-together.Over time, inexperienced youths nuthatch you adore and would gladly accept the offer to play for your team! Tuning the art. Henceforth, the main prize – no money and noglory, and a comprehensive power.